Social Science

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why do you think women are such introverts?

They appear to devote more time to self analysis than men.

We're a curious creature; women.

We need to know; we want to know

about what is going on around us; in us;

and why.

What's wrong with introversion?!?

Women are typically more emotional than men thanks to the different brain structure. Imagine being pushed and pulled by your emotions and not having any idea why? Sounds like hell. Self analysis offers relief, if you're feeling like crap at least you understand why and what could be done to fix it.

On the other hand, if you're dumb enough, no amount of introspection is gonna help.

Not all women are.

But if you sense that women spend more time in self analysis, it may be because women tend to be more verbal about what is on their minds. Doesn't mean men are not spending as much time in self analysis, just that no one hears about it.

>>>I still think you are over-generalizing, Capone. Doesn't matter if you are 15 or 50. You make a sweeping statement like that and you are gonna be wrong almost as often as you are right.

Pretty sure it's trying to figure out why the same behavior doesn't receive the same treatment from others. For example if my Mom cooks an incredible meal, she gets mild shrugs of appreciation, once in a while she will get a real pat on the back. If my Dad cooks an incredible meal, he receives adulation and praise. Why? If my brother re-roofs someone's house, the owners praise him and tell him what a professional job he has done. Afterwards when they find out that I am the one who actually did it, they go "Oh. Really?" And immediately change the subject, while writing my brother the check. Going to see a local concert, some friends from work have brought new friends, women, they are very polite and friendly to your boyfriend but give you snotty glances, and you've never seen them before in your life. WHY? (Especially after you ask your friends if you were unknowingly rude or something and they say absolutely not). Sooner or later you finally discover, after much analyzing of yourself, that it was never yourself in the first place, and you learn how to recognize real people and ignore the rest.

I never really thought of introversion/extroversion as gender-specific qualities. They're really individual qualities. If you're noticing a trend or whatever, maybe the women in your life just talk about it more? Idk! I don't see it myself.

Very good. "Know thyself", two words that speak volumes. Self-analysis is a handy tool to get you from point A to point B.

So, self-analysis is helpful in the way it shows how your choices have come home to roost. They can sometimes lead to those "aha" moments.

I wouldn't call a person who is analytical an introvert...Women on the whole spend more time I agree on analyzing and are deeper thinkers than most men.

because most women worry more about what other people think, so they over analyze everything.

They are busybodies?or overreacting?

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