Social Science

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What does this dream mean that deals with my home?

Ok so I have a recurring dream where I discover parts of my house that I knew existed but never went in before, and when I go into these newly discovered areas of the house it's always very surprising. I had another one of those dreams, but this time it was different because the newly discovered area of the house was more like an entire floor when usually it's just an empty room or 2. And this time there was new furniture, and new electronics like TV's, and I kept saying to myself, why didn't I ever hang out here all this time when it's been here the whole time! And the dream ended when I discovered a window that overlooked my backyard and when I looked through the window, there was a beautiful ocean coast.

What the heck?! I had a really weird feeling when I woke up from the dream too.

I think it means a part of you can't wait to discover what is in your future but yet it is some what scary so you feelings come out in a dream that is pleasant because the fear is so hidden and all you see is positive things in the dreams the place you want to be the way you want life to be exciting with new places and items with peace in it. When you wake up the other side of the fear tries to come out leaving you will the remember dream but you woke up when the fear side tried to present itself in the dream it is like only letting one emotion emerge in the dream then if the fear tries to appear in the dream you wake up so then you have weird feeling

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