Social Science

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I had a bad dream!!! wierd signs?

i fell asleep for a nap at 4 pm and woke up at 7. in my dream i remember it vividly and its been about a half hour. i mainly remember i was walking with some kids i know from school who were smoking weed no problem with me and the cops came so i ran and i watched the cops beat them up and almost find me. also i saw a green computer in the trash and it was crazy as hell. any ideas of what this means kinda creepy if ya ask me

ok well you obviously have friends who either smoke cigarettes or weed, so that is why your brain is dreaming that. and the cops represent authority figures who condemn this behavior, authority figures such as teachers, parents, or even cops. The green computer in the trash represents Yahoo Answers. Your brain, while having the dream, knew that you were going to ponder about the dream and what better way to find out what it means than going on Yahoo Answers! Yahoo answers is green themed.

good luck

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